Planet typography WC Fonts


Birthdate: 2005
Legal status: Freeware
Classification: Trash
Description: WC RoughTrad Bta is a trash and traditional typeface. As it is irregular, it is better to use it for titling, where it can express all its personality. Due to the texture of the rough, it is a spontaneous, explosive and exuberant typeface.

WC RoughTrad
WC RoughTrad

Christophe Freray

ChristopheLocation & date of birth: Avignon, 1967
Her life in brief: Graphic & type designer, Christophe Féray is graduated in graphic art in Marseille & Paris. Based in Nantes, he has worked as AD for advertising campaigns, magazines, graphic styleguide or CD covers projects. In the same time, he has established his own typefoundry WC Fonts. His type creations are caracterised by a focus put on the texture, the movement spontaneity and the experimentation. Christophe Féray has initiated a French collective project on the fair trade theme. Some of the WC Fonts are distributed by Chank, N°9 and the Typotek. Christophe is also member of the Typograsfree group of artists.
Roughtrad: how ? why ?
The WC RoughTrad Bta has its roots in the Helvetica of Max Miedinger, the ink of China and the design tables. It is the first font published by WC Fonts.

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WC Fonts





























WC Fonts